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Top 5 benefits of yoga

Here are the top 5 benefits of practicing yoga

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Top 5 benefits of yoga

“yogas chitta vritti nirodha”. Yoga Sutra 1.2 
Yoga is the ceasing of the fluctuations of the mind.

What is Yoga? Yoga is not limited to a single definition. According to Patanjali, Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind. 
Yoga comes from the word ‘Yuj’ which means to to yoke, to unite, to join. What is to be joined or united is relevant to the period and yogic tradition. However, according to Patanjali the aim of yoga is ‘isolation’ ; the dis-union of soul/consciousness and materiality.

We are driven by restlessness. By practicing yoga your attention becomes focused and structured regardless of personal preferences.”

In the modern world, yoga is geared towards holistic health purposes, to help manage stress, and to enjoy and maintain better life quality. The motives to join your first ever yoga class differs from one person to another. For many, turning to Yoga is in pursuit of a new workout routine, for othersit’s to quiet the mind,  to connect with something larger than ourselves, to strengthen the body or to even achieve instagram-worthy yoga poses! Regardless, here are our top 5 direct or indirect benefits yoga has to offer:

1) Yoga improves mental health
Yoga can provide a welcomed escape from the hustle and bustle of busy, everyday life. Many Yogic postures are intelligently designed to improve relaxation and to promote calmness throughout the day. 

2) Yoga improves our relationship with our bodies
Yoga can be a humbling experience. Through mind-body connection enhancing practices, and body awareness practices, yogis feel much more confident and comfortable in their own skin. 

3) Yoga improves our relationship with food
Through practices of mindfulness, we learn to be more appreciative of our bodies and what they do for us.

4) Promotes flexibility, strength and joint health!
All the stretching and strength-building can help reduce joint pain, improve joint flexibility and function in addition to lowering stress and tension to promote better sleep.

5) Makes us feel good!
Practicing yoga not only improves your mood, it can also help keep feelings of anxiety, depression and stress away.

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